VAPS - a local chapter of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association providing a forum for local professionals interested in psychoanalytic ideas, study and practice.
Join us!
We invite you to join the VAPS community and participate in the study and application of psychoanalytic theory and practice by becoming a member! Membership benefits include:
- Discounted rates or free access to educational events with continuing education credits
- Access to the VAPS listserv as a forum for asking questions and sharing information
- Receipt of the VAPS quarterly newsletter containing articles by members and information about books, upcoming events, and trainings
If you would like to become more involved in the VAPS community, members are also welcome to join various committees including the Education, Applied Psychoanalysis, Membership, Research, Bylaws, Website, and Executive committees. For more information about the focus of each, click on the Committees tab above.
Whether you are interested in being notified of upcoming events, attending events at a discounted rate, or are looking to become part of a warm and collaborative professional community, we encourage you to become a member!